Climate plan for Košice and the world

Climate plan for Košice

1. More trees and flowers for the city of Košice - Green city
2. Trees of happiness and peace
3. Mandalas of happiness and peace
4. Modified entrances to hotels, schools and institutions, more flowers and greenery planted in pots
5. Green roofs
6. Green walls
7. Rain gardens
8. Edible raised beds in school grounds
9. Intelligent rest and relaxation zones at large shopping centers
10. Green balconies, support for the competition for the Most Beautiful Balcony of the City of Košice
11. Oxygen trails, interconnected areas for relaxation, rest and movement
12. Flowers for the city, more perennials and perennial areas

Ing. Eva Černáková, Diamantová 8, 040 11 Košice, +421 944 290 783,
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