Climate plan for Košice and the world

Climate plan for the world

Every person on this beautiful planet must realize the level of responsibility of their behavior. Biodiversity must be preserved in order to preserve life on this planet. These ideas can be implemented in any country in the world.

1. Green deserts as areas of protected plants, animals and seed banks

2. New botanical and zoological gardens without fences and restrictions - free movement of people, plants and animals

3. Water gardens

4. Green parks in cities and towns for exercise and sports

5. Mandalas of happiness and peace, Trees of happiness and peace in all botanical gardens and around the world

6. Support of organic fruit and vegetable cultivation, establishment of new organic and family farms

7. Vertical cultivation of fruits and vegetables

Ing. Eva Černáková, Diamantová 8, 040 11 Košice, +421 944 290 783,
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