Climate plan for Košice and the world

Welcome First version - 26.9.2018

Climate plan for Košice and the world - First version

Climate plan for Košice and the world - First version - gives everyone who is interested in getting involved in changing climate change. It brings inspiration to all who want to make some concrete change and support in their life and surroundings. Everyone can contribute to saving this beautiful and fragile planet by changing their mindset and taking specific actions. All you have to do is want.

Climate plan for Košice and the world 2018 - First version ´

Climate plan for Košice and the world 2020 - Second version

Climate plan for Košice and the world 2024 - Third version

About me - Ing. Eva Černáková

Ing. Eva Černáková, Diamantová 8, 040 11 Košice, +421 944 290 783,
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